today at the zoo


Well correct me if Im wrong but today I was at the zoo and they had a few rock anems and a few tube anems in a touch tank in a very dim area so I asked the lady "why arent these under strong light".. and she said "their not plants they dont need light"... so I told her "I thought that she was wrong"and walked away. I have been in this hobby for about 8 months so Im not really the most experinced person out there but I do beleive anenomes need strong light to survive. am I correct


Active Member
you should write to whoever is in charge of the zoo. youd think theyd know how to take care of their animals.


alright good. thats disappointing its a zoo their suposed to know how to care for animals. you think they could have somebody that knows what their doing and handle the animals properly


to them its just a job unless it came with instructions they have no idea the lady at my lfs got mad at me for talking a guy out of a 20 gal tank and a tang for his kid he was even gonna buy them at the same time


Tube anemones do not require any special lighting they are nocturnal and not photosynthetic. Rock anemones live in low light areas, so intense lighting is not a necessity .


Originally Posted by LSU
Tube anemones do not require any special lighting they are nocturnal and not photosynthetic. Rock anemones live in low light areas, so intense lighting is not a necessity .
correct TUBE anemones do not need light, all the others do need strong lighting, you can keep tube anemones in a dark tank with no lights at all