Together we can share more i need your help my friends


New Member
i have get some fish from my friend , at the beginning days ,they look great ,but since yeserday ,they just dont eat anything i give them ,but what stange is they sitll look very spirit,what is wrong with my fish can some one tell me why !!1


Active Member
You are kind of all over the place there. Do you know that you posted a fish health question in a coral forum??
Looks like you are new. Welcome!!
You would need to provide a lot more information on your tank and livestock for anyone to help you. Please be more descriptive.


We definitely need more info:
How old is the tank?
How large is the tank?
Water parameters?
Types of fish you added?


New Member
Thanks ,as you said i am a newer ,seems i have made a stubite mistake ,my fish is OK now ,and thanks your suggestons.may be we can make a friend ,than,i will get to know the forum more