Tomato Clown and plate coral?


New Member
I have had my plate coral for a while and my tomato clown just started to try and host in it this week,today I noticed some bumps on his skin that were not there yesterday and freaked out thinking it was ich. Upon closer inspection they seemed like boils under his scales ,some light some dark not at all like the external salt like spots of ich.He started out with a few but more and more showed the more he rubbed up on the plate coral. He seems fine and continues to host in it but every time a tentacle touches him he gets a boil like bump under his skin. Has anyone ever seen this before? Is it stinging him and he somehow is oblivious to it. If so what can be done and will it eventually kill him or try to eat him? I've never seen this before.Any help is appreciated.Thanks!:eek:

nm reef

Active Member
I'm not sure if the "boils" are related to the fish attempting to host with your plate. I have a tomato clown that has been hosting in my short tentacle plate for well over a year now. They both seem damage to either the fish or the coral. You may want to post this question over in the disease&treatment forum. :thinking: