tomato clown eating my anemone


New Member
i was shock to find my tomatoe clown pecking at my flower anemone any reasons this might be happening and what do i do ? ive had the reef system setup bout 8 months to a yr with no problems now this! sheeesh
ps.btw it has takeing a lil piece off of it


Active Member
Are you sure he is not grooming it? My female will clean and polish my anemone all the time. I have seen her tear a piece off and clean the tenticles also. Not sure why but I think it is a grooming thing. Experts will know.


Active Member
hummm I have never heard of them doing a percentage in area. Mine will take a few off from time to time.
Maybe the fish know something we do not? :thinking:


Active Member
I have seen my clarkies do the same thing. The only difference is the tents are deflated or twisted at the tip. My guess was and has been repairing damaged tents. Then again if the clarks would not be so rough the tents would not get twisted up.