Tomato Clown Fish


Hello I purchased a Tomato Clown yesterday and he is staying at the top of the aquarium. The other fish are doing fine. Do you thing he is ok?


Active Member
Clowns will swim at all water levels. Anything in the tank bothering him? Did you qt and or acclimate him? Has he eaten any? Bo


There is one yellow Damsel that was bothering him after he was introduced. The fish was only acclimated for about a hour.
Thanks Lydell


I bought one last night. acclimated him for 2 hrs. tested the accl water for pH, sal, and temp and was all the same after 2 hrs, so I put him in. The tomato clown is my first fish. Before I went to bed he was just sort of hovering in one area (back corner). Woke up this morning and he's still just hanging out in one area. I have a 90g....plenty of space, and no threats. Is this normal?????
I do have a lot of flow (about 20x turnover)...he's right in front of a 1200 Maxi Jet.
Should I cutback on my flow...???


I had 2 clowns I bought together and they just hovered in the top corner of the tank for months.I guess their looking for a way out. Unfortuanately one of them died and a few days later the other one died.I think that was my fault.I was new at the trade and let the salinity reach too high. Then I topped off with too much freshwater and I think the sudden change in salinity did them in. However none of the other fish died.Then I got a tomato clown and it hovered for weeks untill it found the plate coral and hangs around down the bottom near the plate.Coincidently SMOOTH_9 when the tomato discovered the plate,I had a yellow damsel keep chasing it away from there.Needless to say I had to remove the pain in the butt damsel.


It would help to add some of your water parameters when posting a question like this because first thoughts are always whats the salinity, ph etc... things that can bother the fish also the damsel isn't helping. Give him a little time and keep an eye on the damsel he may need to be seperated from the clown. Also has he seemed interested in food or just hugging the corner?


clowns are pretty reseliant fish. My gold banded maroon was the only one to survive my one and only total wipeout in 2 years of the hobby.


Active Member
are they tank bred or wild caught?? Clowns only swim in a small section of a reef so if they are wild they might just be hanging out because they think they have found a "safe" zone - meaining no predators. They should eventually start moving around a bit more if they are not being picked on, etc.


Whenever the lights in my tank go out my clowns "go to bed":D
The two percs go float on their sides at the top and the saddleback(or black perc):rolleyes: goes to the bottom in a rock dent and curls up, it is so cute to watch them, and in the morning they "perc" right back up;) So they are probably finding a space where they feel comfortable so they will not be bothered by other fish.