Tomato clown question


I just put my tomato or cinammon clown back into my tank.. I had a major issue and had to babysit him out for a week or so while my water calmed down.. I used town water for a water change and I highly recommend not doing that to anyone thinking about keeping their tank established.
I just put my one remaining fish back last night which is a large clownfish.. I think he is a tomato but given his dark appearance, I would lean towards Cinammon clown.. Either way.. He is swimming on the top of the water alot.. He never did that before and I was wondering what's up with that? Water parameters were great except the nitrates were at 20 or 30 ppm.. I am assuming they will return to normal shortly but the ammonia and everything else was undetectable.. Salinity is 1.022 and ph is 8.3.. temp is 77-78*F, he is the only fish in the tank at the moment. Is this a normal behavior of clowns?