Tomato clown


I put a tomato clown in my tank on 12-18 it was just beautiful. I also purchased a pink tipped haitian from the same lfs because the clown was using it as its home. Today the clown looked really raw and white, and would not go near the haitian. The clown is now laying in the sand.
pH 8.2
ammonia 0
nitrates 10
temp. 80
Does anyone know what happened?


Staff member
Did the fish die? What exactly do you see on the clown? Any filmy white stringy pieces coming off from him?


Yes Beth I had to remove him at about 1:00 this morning. He did have white stringy stuff coming off of him, all of this happened in like 8-12 hours. Sounds like you know what this may be...please let me know for future references.
Thank you


Staff member
Brooklynella. Do you have other fish in that tank?? Brook is highly contagious, and kills fast, thus your other fish have been exposed and could get this as well.
Do not add any more fish to your tank for 6 wks. If the other fish get it, they will have to undergo formalin bathes, thus, be prepared and look for this medication in advance if you do not already have it.
Please consider QTing all future fish before introducing them to your tank.


Thankfully I do not have anymore fish in the tank. Where did the fish catch this disease? Will it hurt anything else in the tank? The only thing brought into the tank after the fish was two mushrooms...could these have carried the disease?
Thank you Beth


Staff member
No, the clownfish brought the disease with him. Brooklynella is a common parasite problem for clownfish, but, as I said, it is highly contagious, and it will can spread to other species of fish.
Leave your tank wo fish of 6 wks. No need to worry about adding corals, inverts. The disease effects fish only.