Tomato Clown???


New Member
I have a tomato clown that is ten years old. Does anybody know the life exp. for these fish??


I'm not sure about the life expec. but that is awesome. You must keep everything in great shape. How big is it?


Active Member
10 years....congrats!!
They could live another 10 years if you keep doing what you are doing. What's your secret? WE could all learn from your experience. I doubt that there are many that can claim to having a s/w fish for 10 years. I just got inspired to start a new thread...thanks!


New Member
Monthly water changes and check water conditions. I started him in a 36 hex tank. I just moved him to a new tank this past weekend. I thought couse of his age he might not make, but he doing fine. Over the years he has gave me problems when I add a new fish. He attacks any fish that I add.


That IS amazing mgann, I didn't think a fish could live that long in captivity, I thought like 5 tops. Is he your only fish?

nm reef

Active Member
Thats a long time to keep a tomato alive and well. Mine has been in my system for just over two years. I hope to be able to keep him much longer. The only problem I've had with mine is his tendacy to re-arrange the sand bed to his personal liking. I've named him Tommy the landscaper!!


Active Member
you should see my tank. there's craters all over the place. at first i couldnt' figure out what was happening but then i started to notice that my damsels were changing the place. When my clown was in the same tank, he was guilty of it too. But yeah, it looks like a hundred meteors hit the place. My eel will come by and graze the ground and it seems to help but after a while to flatten it out, my efforts have gone pointless :rolleyes: