Tomatoe Clown


My tomatoe clown has been on a rampage the last few weeks. Digging, push down rocks(even large ones), attacking the sixline,(even large ones), being very selective on which corals she likes or dislikes(attacking corals and pushing them into corners). I'm thinking she is getting ready to breed, at least she's showing similar behavours as when my Chiclids use to breed.
I'd hate to have to get rid of her but she's just making a hugh mess out of the tank. Anyone eles have these problems.


Active Member
get rid of her and the head aches! I dont like pushy fish. LOL i never though i would say that. But its true. You wreck the home i gave you, then out you go. geez I sound like my parents.


Active Member
is there a mate in there with her? If not then I'd say she is just a frustrated female .....
How big is your tank?? Tomato's like a bit more room than most clowns ....



Originally posted by overanalyzer
is there a mate in there with her? If not then I'd say she is just a frustrated female .....
How big is your tank?? Tomato's like a bit more room than most clowns ....

She does have a mate. Both sem to be showing signs of mating. They are in a 46gallon bow front. One would think that is enough room only being 3 inches and a 1 1/2". lol


Active Member
sounds like they are hunting for a "nesting spot" somewhere in your tank. Also - in a 46 Bow if you over crowd the couple they can start killing the other fish.
If you have a flat rock that can be placed at an angle so they can deposit eggs on it it might help them. If they sleep in one place in the tank then placing the rock near there might help.
Good Luck!


Seems like normal behavior for a tomato clown to me. mine is real nasty and beats up on any new frag I put in the tank. I have probably lost 5 SPS frags in the last 6 months because the clown bulldozes them right off the rock I put them on. Even when I glue them on the clown will attack them before the glue has a chance to set up and off the rock they go. really pisses me off and I am now seriously considering getting rid of the clown. Hate to do it becuase it's a real nice looking one and a very deep shade of red but tired of seeing my new frags upside down on the sand bed or see them fall behind the rock wall into unreachable places.


Active Member
Well at least I'm not the only one :rolleyes:. I was pleased with mine for a long time then something clicked (mating I think) and the female has been a terror ever sense. She also has a habit of knocking over new corals if they are to close to their xenia's. I'm also thinking of getting rid of them...