tomb of jesus

30-xtra high

Active Member
this is a load of crap... they say they found his family tomb.. he wasn't burried in a family tomb, and even when he was burried in his FRIEND'S tomb, he rose from the dead.. so how do they expect his body (even though it isn't on earth) in his family tomb (which doesn't exist)?
and their proof which says "Jesus son of Joseph"... their proof is scratches on a rock.. for all we know they took a nail and scrathed it in.. this is so dumb..


Active Member
lol, I saw a post about that show on facebook, it sounds pretty ridiculous to me, plus if it was true there would be a big habaloo about it throughout the entire world.


Active Member
he wasn't burried in a family tomb, and even when he was burried in his FRIEND'S tomb, he rose from the dead
Well, if they did find a tomb it would prove he didn't rise from the dead.
Another thing to think about it how many people were named jesus at the time and joseph at the time...I heard jesus' real name was joshua, but either way, that is something to think about also.


Active Member
It has also said that this discovery was in 1980!!!The bones that say Jesus, Mary, etc, have been in Jewish possesion and in seperate warehouses for the last 27 years...HUmmmmmm :thinking: I bet they all came out of the same place..
Another thing to think about it how many people were named jesus at the time and joseph at the time
That is like finding a tomb in South America and the name says " Jesus"...


Active Member
"he rose from the dead"... okay... did he make his own new tomb...
doesnt a "son" require a father... and if so why is Joseph the "father" when mary was a virgin...
youre right COWFISH... not interesting at all...


Im a christian, but i did not watch the show as a christian, i watched it as some one who wanted to be shown real evadence of what was being told, following the show there was a small hour long debate, the guy who made the film,said this " fact or fiction, im a film maker/journalist, i told a story," now its a choice rather or not viewers believe it. and as a Christian I say this, faith is not what can be proved, but what cant be proved. but on a side note the film maker depicked only what he wanted to patrey. in doing so he left way to many big IF's.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sig45
but on a side note the film maker depicked only what he wanted to patrey. in doing so he left way to many big IF's.

Agreed..They only put out there just enough for people who do not know any better to have the wrong ideas..


Active Member
Originally Posted by garnet13aj
Well, if they did find a tomb it would prove he didn't rise from the dead.
Another thing to think about it how many people were named jesus at the time and joseph at the time...I heard jesus' real name was joshua, but either way, that is something to think about also.
the New Testament (a Christian document) and the Jewish Antiquities (a Jewish document) both say that Jesus' body was entombed by Josephus. the Antiquities were actually written by Josephus, so I think he knew more about it than James Cameron.
Jesus's name was Jesus. the Hebrew pronunciation sounds similar to "Joshua", but they are completely different names. but yes, Jesus, Joseph, Mary, and James were all extremely common names in that time period.


Active Member
another thing, they said they are checking DNA to find if Jesus was the father of the other person (the one that said "son of Jesus").
well, the Jewish tradition back then was to put the body in a box for a set amount of time for the body to decay. after that, the body was removed and buried and that is what happend with these bodies. So I'd be interested to hear how they get testable DNA from a box that has been empty for 2000 years?


Active Member
i hate this thing not for the content but that my great aunt watched it for two hours, had it blaring and only caught the last five minutes....

bang guy

Originally Posted by garnet13aj
Well, if they did find a tomb it would prove he didn't rise from the dead.
I keep hearing this but I don't understand this statement. How does it prove he didn't rise from the dead?


no mater if your a follower of christ or not, for 3 years of research, this film was done very poorly, the film has no end result, no proven proof, and was left with huge holes in the question that was asked in the beginning of the the project.
I wish i could sit down With the film maker, like I said before, i believe in christ and the christian religion, is it right i dont know, we will all find some day, but my question for the film maker would be this, theres a lot of people who gives their hope and heart to Christ, what goes on in a person for them to do something that could have the abbility to question existence all together for these people and people like me.


Originally Posted by sig45
what goes on in a person for them to do something that could have the abbility to question existence all together for these people and people like me.
That would be the flesh my friend.


Originally Posted by renogaw
didnt you guys watch or read the davinci code? this is all explained there :p
Another good book about it is Templar Legacy by Steve Berry. There was a Discovery (maybe History Channel) documentary about the Templars also.


Question: "What is the Jesus Family Tomb? Has the lost tomb of Jesus Christ been discovered?"
Answer: In 1980, in Talpiot (a suburb of Jerusalem), Israel, a construction crew unearthed an ancient tomb. Inside the tomb was discovered ten ossuaries (burial bone boxes). Inscribed on these bone boxes were names. The discovery of the ossuaries was not unusual, as thousands of ancient ossuaries have been discovered in ancient tombs in and around Jerusalem. What was somewhat unusual was the names that were inscribed on the ossuaries: Jesus son of Joseph, Maria, Mariamene, Matthew, Judas son of Jesus, and Jose (likely an abbreviation of Joseph). The similarities of these names to the biblical Jesus and His family has led TV director Simcha Jacobovici and movie producer James Cameron to produce “The Jesus Family Tomb” in both movie and book form. Jacobovici and Cameron are making the claims that the Jesus Family Tomb is indeed the family burial place of Jesus and His family, and that the presence of Jesus’ bones disproves His resurrection. Is there any validity to the claims of the Jesus Family Tomb?
First, before we examine the question biblically, it is important to understand that no influential archaeologist has come forward in agreement with the Jesus Family Tomb project. The curator for anthropology and archeology at the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem from 1972 to 1997, Joe Zias, states that the project “makes a mockery of the archaeological profession.” Second, the ossuaries cannot conclusively be dated to the 1st century A.D., although they can likely be dated to that approximate time period. Third, there is evidence that the tomb had been disturbed and vandalized. It cannot be verified what was, or what was not, vandalized or stolen. On an archaeological basis alone, there is serious reason to doubt the authenticity of the Jesus Family Tomb project. Historically and culturally speaking, there is further reasoning to reject the ideas of the Jesus Family Tomb project. The names “Jesus, Maria, Matthew, Judas, and Joseph” were all very common names in 1st century Israel. Some cultural historians estimate that as many as 25% of 1st century Jewish women were named Mary (Miriam). The New Testament confirms this by mentioning six different women named Mary, including three who were prominent in Jesus’ life (Jesus’ mother, Mary Magdalene, and Mary of Bethany). It would not be uncommon for a 1st century Jewish family to have the names Jesus (Yeshua), Mary (Miriam), Joseph, and Judas – as all were very popular Jewish names (due to their background in the Hebrew Scriptures).
Biblically speaking, there are numerous reasons to reject the idea of the Jesus Family Tomb. First, the New Testament consistently states that Jesus’ family was from Nazareth (Matthew 2:13; Luke 2:4,39,51; John 1:45-46). If Jesus’ family had a tomb, it would have very likely been in Nazareth. Second, the Bible describes Jesus and his adopted father Joseph as carpenters (Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3), likely making them financially poor and of a lower social status. The tomb discovered in Talpiot is the tomb of a wealthy family. Third, the New Testament states that Jesus’ body was buried in a tomb that belonged to Joseph of Arimathea, and that there were witnesses as to where Jesus was buried (Matthew 27:57-61; Mark 15:43-47; Luke 23:50-54; John 19:38-42). Without even considering the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus, the New Testament account paints an entirely different account of Jesus, His family, and His burial. Even secular historians and archaeologists view the New Testament gospels as the best existing historical record of the life of Jesus of Nazareth.
Now,let’s get to the crux of the matter. The true motivation of the Jesus Family Tomb project is to deny the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The subtitle of the book is given as “The Discovery, the Investigation, and the Evidence That Could Change History.” Cameron, Jacobovici, and co-author Pellegrino have a clear agenda. They do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah, that Jesus was God-incarnate, or that Jesus was resurrected after His crucifixion. The discovery of the “Jesus Family Tomb” is simply a convenient basis for their argument, due to the similarities of the names on the ossuaries to the names of Jesus and His family. If it could be proven that the “Jesus Family Tomb” was indeed the tomb of the biblical Jesus of Nazareth and His family, the resurrection would be disproven, thus destroying the very foundation of the Christian faith (see 1 Corinthians chapter 15).
None of the suppositions of the Jesus Family Tomb project can be proven. In fact, the archaeological community is nearly unanimous in condemning the Jesus Family Tomb as a hoax, with no basis in history or archaeology. There is every reason to doubt the claims of the Jesus Family Tomb – archaeologically, historically, and biblically. The Christian faith has nothing to fear from honest and scientific archaeology.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sig45
my question for the film maker would be this, theres a lot of people who gives their hope and heart to Christ, what goes on in a person for them to do something that could have the abbility to question existence all together for these people and people like me.
So, basically, what you are saying is that even if you could potentially have definitive proof one way or the other about the existence of Jesus as a son of god, you wouldnt want that proof?
I'm not trying to be inflammatory, just curious actually.