Tomini Tang feeding help


Hey guys. I got a 3" tomini tang on Friday, and it hasn't really eaten prepared foods yet. I know its been picking at the liverock and the glass, because my tank has algae all over the glass and I've seen some spots missing, so I know it's been picking here and there.
I've offered nori and green algae on a clip, it swims right over/under it.
I've offered frozen mysis shrimp and it seems scared of them.
I've offered sea weed "flakes" and it ignores them too.
Any ideas on how to get it to eat? Should I be worried yet?


Active Member
i wouldnt be worried, hes new and adjusting to the enviroment, on friday if hes still not eating soak his food in garlic, that will turn on his natural feeding response.


I'd also like to add that "Tom" has a small white spot on his mouth. It is not ich, it looks more like a small cut. He was not like this when I got him, so I'm guessing he may have cut his mouth on something in the tank.
Will this go away and could it be interfering with his appetite?
PS: I have been adding garlic juice to the flakes.