Too Hot, causes Hairy Cary



AHHHH what a bummer, temps up in the 90's today and no AC so I setup a fan on the tank with the lid open before I left for work. Three hours later my wife called and told me that my black perc jumped out and is no more. What a bone head move on my part. He was my favorite fish in the tank.


Active Member
Yeah I would go with eggcrate as well. I am going to go half acrylic and half eggcrate as my evaporation amount is way to much with just the eggcrate. Sorry about your fish, definitely pick up some eggcrate so none of the other fish go out the same way!


The eggcrate sounds like a good idea. Where is the best place to get this??? Home Depot maybe?


Active Member
You can get it at any of the home improvement stores. It would be in the lighting area I would imagine as it is usually seen covering up florescent fixtures in public buildings. You can also check your LFS, but it is probably more expensive there.