too many damsels?


New Member
thank yous all for your help during the last 6 weeks, although i know i still have much learning to go. have gone through cycle, all levels are steady , did water change with ro water. added damsels after two weeks with live rock, so it was not as strressful to them, the lfs told me i needed 6 small ones for my 55gl tank, i have scince purchased i yellow tang and a couple of clowns that were in pairs. should i return the damsels to llfs or keep them? also how can i add moer live rock, trhank you again all of yous are very helpful even reading other threads.


Active Member
Have fun catching 6 damsels...;)
It's up to you as far as returning them. They are very territorial, and may cause you some problems...(mean little sob's), but some do hold on to them.


Damsels are pretty fish, but they can definately be the devil incarnate. It seems some of their territories can be a significant area. If they cause problems return them to the local fish store.


If you do decide to take them back to the lfs I've found the easiest way to get them out is to feed them and when they come to get the food snatch them then, a lot easier than taking out the live rock. HTH.


Active Member
hrmm i musta had the smart damsels, as soon as they seen a net, they were like see ya !!!, i could put my hand in the tank and they would swim like it belonged in there, but as soon has that net was in view.. vroooooooooooooooooooooooom !!! hehe