too many fish?


I have an established 55 gallon tank which has been set up and stable now for about 6 months (with respect to water parameters). Currently my ammonia and nitrites are 0, nitrates are 10, specific gravity is 1.025, and ph is 8.3. Temp is 80 degrees.
My eventual plan is to have 4 green chromis, 1 coral beauty angel, 2 maroon clownfish, 1 royal gramma, and 2 purple firefish. Is that too many fish for a 55 gallon? Any reason why I should stop at 1 royal gramma (i.e. is there any good reason why I can't have two?).
Keep in mind that I also have a variety of inverts and corals in the tank. I have 2 blood shrimp, 3 peppermint shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp and 1 coral banded shrimp. I have two emerald crabs and a variety of small hermits and snails for algae control. I also have several corals already including a xenia, bubble, hammer, zoanthids, mushrooms, and plate coral. Would the addition of all those fish be going a bit over on the bioload?
Thanks in advance for your adivce.


Your list gives you about 30-35" of adult fish. Given the general rule of 1" of fish per 5 gallons, I'd say you have too many :yes: .
Maroon clowns can be aggressive and difficult to pair up. Maybe you could stick with just one of those (they get pretty big). Also, I believe that chromis will school better if they are grouped in odd numbers.
Not sure whether royal grammas work in pairs in captivity, but they can be pretty feisty too.


Active Member
Sounds like your tank is doing great!
Green Chromis will do better in odd numbers, so 3 would be best. The coral beauty will do good, but may pick at some corals. The maroons can be aggresive. The royal gramma and firefish should be fine, but if the firefish fight, you should get another one. I would go with 3 green chromis, 1 coral beauty, 1 royal gramma, 2 or 3 firefish. You could still get the clowns, but you should probably take the firefish off the list if you do. Also, the coral banded shrimp may decide to eat your peppermints or cleaner shrimp later.


How about lyretail anthias? Would they be OK in a 55 gal tank, say 2 of them? Would that be better than the firefish to go with the maroon clown(s)?