Too many fish?


hey guys I was just wondering if I have too many fish?
stock list:
2 true perculas (had them for about a year)
lemonpeel angel (also about a year old)
lawnmower blenny
spotted goby
6 line wrasse
blue tang about an inch long( still a baby)
tank is a 55, with about 70-80lbs of liverock, 4 or 5 inch deep sand bed, aqua c remora protein skimmer, and a custom built 29 gallon sump with a rio 1400 pump as the return
aside from the tang which already has a 90 gallon home waiting for him, will everything be ok? any info would be appreciated. I've been into this hobby for a while I'm just not sure about the fish capacities?
Thanks guys happy holidays


I dont see a problem
I think you could add more if you liked in my 55 i have
True percula
tomato clown
coral beauty angel
convict blenny (named Bob The Builder)
gold tailed damsel
green mandrin
purple firefish (Leaving in two weeks)
dusky jaw fish(Also leaving in two weeks)
Will be upgrading to 90