too many fish???


so, i am going to be getting fish in my tank, and wanna know if this is too much....
I have a 29 gallon and this is what I want
2 percs
1 scooter blenny
and a smaller wrasse
and to start.... a couple of damsels....
is that all too much?? probably, huh?
i would say avoid damsels. if you don't plan on keeping them in the long run you shouldn't get them. they are really agressive.
i would also avoid the scooter blenny. youre new tank wont have enough pods for it and it's really hard for them to accept frozen food. it'll probably starve.
clown pair is a good idea. i would suggest a 6line wrasse. remember to research all fish before you buy them. good luck with tank


Active Member
skip the damsels indeed, unnecessary by all means. but besides that, decent list. I've had my scooter in my 29g for over a year and its fat and healthy, if you get one, get it young, and supplement some pods for a few months until it (hopefully) accepts frozen (wasnt hard for mine) maybe even a cool shrimpgoby would be good in there


Active Member
You can definitely do three fish of that size in a 29 gallon, probably even four. What they are is up to you. I currently have a green chromis, yellowtail damsel and tomato clown in my 29.


Active Member
oh yeah, i forgot teh issue of stockin. yea, you should be able to fit them in there thought, bioload wise, its small, reallllll small. I'm going to have around 6 (small, low/no-bioload) fish in when its done.