too many fish?


thinking about what will go in my 125 gallon tank once it gets cycled...
i wanted some schooling fish. So i was thinking about getting something like 5 chromis.
I don't want to waste my whole bioload on one type of fish though, i was wondering if these fish produce a lot of 5 too many?
i also wanted to eventually have
2 percs
1 blue morpho (regal) tang
1 coral beauty
1 mandarin
1 ????? mid sized fish ?????? maybe purple tang
eventually a clam and some coral, once i get a MH setup and get established
along with your basic clean up crew
it will be a reef tank with a 4'' sand bed and about 50 lbs of live rock to seed another 60lbs of base rock.
thanks for any input


Active Member
It sounds ok to me, but wait on the mandarin till your tank gets a good pod population. The purple and the regal, I am not sure about to give any good info. Chromis---best to add at least 3 and more than 4. HTH.

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like a magageable list to me...but I would suggest additional LR. Plus I'd advise that the manderian not be added until the system is mature and well established.:cool:


thanks everyone... i won't be adding the mandarin for at least 6 months, probably closer to nine...
would it be ok to add all 5 chromis at one time? Or would that cause too much of a cycle? I wouldn't care if i added them slower i just figured they may get along better if they were all added at once.