Too Many fish


New Member
I have a 55g tank with 120lbs of live rock, 20g refuguim and a 6 gallon sump and I really want to add one more fish.
Right now I have:
1 Yellow tang
1 Sailfin tang
1 Maroon striped clown
Lots of coral, shrimp, crabs, snails...ect
Do you think I can add a puple tang?
Thanks Ben


Active Member
I think you should take out the tangs you have now and replace them with smaller fish. Thats just the humane thing to do.


Active Member
I think what theyre trying to say is, you may want to consider a different fish ;) Tangs require a lot of swimming room, and a 55 is a little small for one tang, not to mention three :) HTH

nm reef

Active Member
I'm not a member of the tang police...never have been...never will be. But...I do agree that in a 55 gal display that has 120 lbs of LR there can't be much space. Any tang will require room to swim and roam.With extreme care it may be possible to keep one tang in your system...but three is definitely pushing it. There would be potential for very serious problems.:thinking:


New Member
Thanks for your input...The tangs are small right now, but three would be pushing it. I was thinking about getting a 150g, but with your comments I will get it very soon..thanks



Originally posted by Tyr-Sog
I say the yellow is fine. May want to get rid of the SailFin though, they get huge!

:confused: :notsure: If you're willing to upgrade tank size - I see no need to get "rid" of anything.
I'm sure you do a great job taking care of them and sending them back to the LFS doesn't guarantee that some other ill-prepared hobbyist wouldn't pick it up. JMO