Too many hermit crabs?


New Member
Hello all. A friend of mine was moving and had to give away his live stock. He could not give away his hermit crabs so I took them. I added 8 medium sized hermits and now have 16 total in my 12 gallon nano. It's been a couple of days now and I was wondering if I've increased the bioload too much for a 12 gallon to handle? I don't have a protien skimmer. I have LS and about 15 pounds of LR.
My lifestock is:
16 hermits
1 Perc
1 Damsel
2 Leathers and other small mushroom corals.


Your bio-load is fine. Hermits do not affect it.
From what I understand, their numbers tend to self regulate so if there isn't enough for them all to scavenge you may lose some. I would also recommend having some extra shells of various sizes in the tank also to help avoid shell wars.