too much algae growth (green water syndrome)


My tank has been plagued by hair algae for about 3 months now. The problem has gotten so bad that my filters can't keep up with my glass cleaning and the water is starting to get a green haze to it.
None of the fish seem to be suffering but it looks terrible.
I must note that I am a low level hobbyist and cannot afford a RO system or to purchase RO water (I replace 1 gal each 1-2 days due to evaporation).
My chemistry is OK -- neglig ammonia, neglig nitrites, bottom reading nitrates. I don't have a phosphate tester. Tank size=65gal.
1. I have tried cutting back on my lighting from 12-14 hours/days to 4 hours/day. Have a 200w satellite w/ 10K + Actinic bulbs.
-->All that achieved was to make my anemone shrivel up into a glob (he does that when he does not get enough light) and get a red slime outbreak.
2. I have added both a phosphate/silicate remover, as well as nitrate absorbing material.
-->They have had no apparent effect after being in tank for 1 week.
3. I am cleaning filter sponge every few days as it gets clogged by the sucked up algae and looks the debris looks like thin green clay it is so thick!
-->My cleaner crews can't keep up with the growth (3 med-large king crabs, 2 LG turbos, 25 Nass snails).
4. I replace my water with tap H20 that is let to sit for 24-48 hours and has been treated with Prime to remove chlorine and nitrates.
-->As I prev stated, RO H2O is not an option due to the cost.
5. I have tried afew 10-20% water changes but this only helps for a while, then the problem is back as before.
My thought was to purchase a Magnum HOT filter to "polish" the water. Do these filters REALLY scrub the water clean as the ads claim?
I am hoping if I can clean/polish the water clear, then control of the algae might be easier.
What do you all think?

cathy joe

im far from an expert, but i can tell you my cure i found for my problem that were similar.
i used tap water when i started my tank, did not notice any problems until i added a carpet anenomie. i watched it die with in 12hr due to phosphate being to high. my lfs said tap water is full of phosphate and bad metals that would harm my tank.
i now purchase ro water from them. its cost 40cents a gallon, and can get salt mixture for 90cents a gallon.
in the begining i had some bad hair algea, i took the rocks from the tank and hand cleaned them. by useing my fingers and toothbrush i removed the hair and it has not returned.
the cleaning crew you stated is what i have in my 30gal tank plus about 15 blue legged hermit crabs, also you might try a rock blenny. he did an awsome job on my tank. they will eat off the glass
i think a tank should alway be left on at least 6 to 8 hours a day. you may be doing more harm than good


I agree with Cathy Joe. I know you said RO water is not an option because of the cost but I think it is the lowest cost option. RO water is about $.20 a gallon and LFS doesn't even charge me. It truly makes a huge difference and rather than spending your money on phospahate removers, etc... use RO. You may also want to have your alkalinity checked I have found that when it gets low algae begins to thrive, also is your tank overstocked? A diamond goby is a good adition to clean sand and either a tang, rabbitfish or angelfish would be good to clean rocks but I would be hesitant to add more fish to this type of water, your fish may have grown a tolerance and new fish may perish.


Active Member
look for a ro/di unit on ---- man.. i got mine from there... it was only like $130 for it.. (it works wonders)... it's really easy to hook up... just take the cold water line that go into your facet,, screw on the adaptor to facet inlet, screw water line into adaptor,, drill hole into top of drain , add wast line, and your perdy much dont.. the rest is self explained.... .... ro/di water whenevery u need it.. change filters 1x a year and dats it...


I had the same problem on my 75 gallon with green algea and green water.
I bout a UV for the tank and in 3 days, crystal clear, no more green anything.
My LFS siad the UV will break down the particles and they were right .
If you have a UV, then I don't now.


Thanks for the suggestions...
FYI..... LFSs in Richmond charge $1/gal for RO saltwater, that is why it would quickly get too expensive. And, I apologize in advance if the following remark seems sexist, BUT... if I told my wife I wanted to either remove her sprayer from the sink or cut another hole in the stainless steel tub to add an RO unit, she would tell me what I could do with my fish --> sometimes it is easier not to start a fight (the man seldom wins)-- take this from a man married for 20 years!
Never thought of a UV add on.... has anyone else had any experience with using one? I would like to know before I invest $100 to purchase one.
Still have not gotten any feed back as to whether a HOT Magnum w/ water polishing filter would clean out the water.
And, UGH!!! YES!!! I have been sticking my arm in once/week and gleaming the rocks/coral of excess hair algae. It is now NOT growing back as fast as it is harvested, so for now, at least, the beast is under control.
I bought a "lawn mower blennie" but it is so stupid that it doesn't realize it is supposed to eat the algae. Like the other fish, it waits for feeding time and eats the flake food and garlic laced bloodworms. I have yet to see it eat ANY algae!
LAstly, Am I wasting effort and $$, using the phosphate and nitrate removing granules to offset anything the tapwater might be adding to the tank? Would a few drops of Prime/gal be sufficient?
I await your wisdom..........:notsure:


Active Member
what type of fish do you have in your you have a combination of herbavour and carnivours?my tank 125 is home to a variaty 1 stars and strip puffer , snowflake eel,engeneer gobie. 3 damsels,all (carnivours)(scat ,majestic foxface,herbavours) the scat and foxface graze all day on algae they keep it so clean i have to feed them algae based foods now.and a few hermit crabs.(scavengers)need to get new turbo snails .if you want give me alist of species and i can check a compatebility chart to see what would best fit your tank


New Member
I've had great success with my UV- sparkling clear water, less algae buildup on the glass and no re-occurrences of ich orany other sickness since I added it several months ago. And yes, I still have a reaally good pod population.


My LFS gave me the answer to my problem and the cost was dirt CHEAP!
I was told to get an add-on water polishing filter for my power head (<1 micron filter). Was advised that my outside filters were good at removing the gross particulate matter, but the add-on filter would get all the fine particles.
To make the story short, within 4 days the water was almost perfectly clear!
I was told that this was the equivalent to a poor-man's HOT Magnum filter.
All I can say is that IT WORKED!


Active Member
wow !! thats great boss... im glad u got thing going right... but i never heard of that buffer thing befor... but if it works cool... but then agin... i never had a crazy algae breackout yet.. been over 1 1/2 yeares now... he he .. lucky for me??.....


New Member
You can get ro/di filter system a lot cheaper than you think if you shop around on a certian auction site (I don't think I cann mention the name on this site.) I've been shopping around for a water system myself and found a 6stage system ro/di for under $100.