Too Much Current


I have a 40 gal Reg. I am currently using a wavemaker with 4 powerheads. 2 rio600 and 2 rio200. It seems to provide alot of current. I would like to add a Hammer Coral but I am worried about the current. What would be the best placement of the power heads. I have one at each corner blowing across the tank. So the current is going left to right. Nothing is blowing from front to back. Should I change anything or leave alone. Sorry for the long post.


Active Member
I don't thin you've got too much current. Place one so that it blows behind your rockwork. Place two on opposing sides of the tank at the top. I have mine angled in different directions so that they are not blowing in exactly the same place (they are also on a timer). Finally, place one at the back of the tank so that it blows towards the front glass. I have mine at the back over towards the left side so that it blows around the left side of the lr, hits the front glass, and then sweeps around the front area of the tank.