55 gal with 60 pounds live rock, but probably too many fish for the tank (let's assume that reducing number of fish is obvious, but if I can make it work with additional filtration, I'd like to try).
Have a BakPak2 skimmer, but I only run it 15 hours a day, as this is at my office and I don't like the noise. Also have a XP2 canister in the cabinet, which is absolutely silent. Thinking of installing an additional XP3 (on sale now), plus a UV sterilyzer. Overkill, or a good idea? Any harm from all that (too much?) filtration?
Have a BakPak2 skimmer, but I only run it 15 hours a day, as this is at my office and I don't like the noise. Also have a XP2 canister in the cabinet, which is absolutely silent. Thinking of installing an additional XP3 (on sale now), plus a UV sterilyzer. Overkill, or a good idea? Any harm from all that (too much?) filtration?