too much filtration?


55 gal with 60 pounds live rock, but probably too many fish for the tank (let's assume that reducing number of fish is obvious, but if I can make it work with additional filtration, I'd like to try).
Have a BakPak2 skimmer, but I only run it 15 hours a day, as this is at my office and I don't like the noise. Also have a XP2 canister in the cabinet, which is absolutely silent. Thinking of installing an additional XP3 (on sale now), plus a UV sterilyzer. Overkill, or a good idea? Any harm from all that (too much?) filtration?


Sounds like a plan. However, you ALWAYS need a skimmer, so even if u do get the XP3 and the UV sterilizer, you'll still want the skimmer. No such thing as TOO MUCH filtration!! :joy:


Active Member
To much filtration isn't a problem but IMO you would be a head figuring out how to run the skimmer 24/7 rather than adding a new canister. What are you running in the canisters??


running mechanical filters, charcoal, biochem stars, and nitrazorb. That's in the XP2, and could run more in the XP3.


Active Member
Canisters have several disadvantages. I'm not sure how well the nitrazorb is working but one major disadvantage is mostly they do little for the removal of nitrates. Another is they need cleaned a LOT. And yet another... if you are using is as part of your bio-filtration the bacteria bed can be wiped out quickly by a long power outage or improper cleaning.


Active Member
Starting and stopping skimmers reduces their effectiveness.... they don't start up at full skimming capacity.