too much light for anemone?


Since buying my sebea anemone a few weeks ago it has actually darkened in color under PC's. I thought this was kind of odd because I was worried about not having enough lighting. Well I noticed the sebea moved under an overhang out of the light but still looks good. My question is, since the PC's seem to be plenty of light will the 250 MH I added this weekend do the anemone harm? I always thought the more light the better but this guy seemed to be getting too much under PC's. Oh, the anemone moved before I added the MH's. Any thoughts?


It shouldn't do any harm but if the sebae was bleached to begin with then it will take some adjusting to get used to. You will not want to blast it with MH, just an hour a day to start with for a couple of weeks, then you can slowly start to add more time to that. Just watch the sebae to see how it reacts.


I wouldn't say the sebea was bleached because it had good color to start with. I ran the MH for 6 hours yesterday and it will be on 6 hours today. Is this going to harm my corals? I was afraid to run it any less because the only other lighting I have is two 20K PC bulbs.