too much lighting?


New Member
Is there a such thing as too much light for a reef tank? If i were to keep clams how much light would they need per gallon of tank? I'm just wondering if something like 10 watts per gallon is harmful to the tank animals.


Active Member
Watts per gallon is not a good way to measure light output. It depends on how many watts, what kind of lighting, and how deep the animal is.
What clam are you looking into? Derasas, squamosas, and gigas need less light than maximas and croceas, but they still require a lot.
BTW, are you located in California?


New Member
Well I'm not really sure of what clam I'm looking for. Basically it was just a for instance, could there be over kill kind of question. I guess I should have asked: How many watts of MH lighting should I put in my 40 gallon so that I can keep any kind of invert? Its about 16 inches in depth.
And yes I do live in Cali


Active Member
2x250 watt mh would be perfect with a little PC or VHO actinics too.
Live in the Bay Area by any chance? I have a friend named Jay Treat. I know there are many people with that name too, but just gotta' know.:happyfish


New Member
Wow that is a lot of light! I lot more then I thought it would be. Thanks for the info bro. I think I'll get a single 250 then upgrade later since they are a butt load of money. 250 watts should be enough for shrooms and polyps right? I want to eventually move up to anenomes.
actually i am from the bay area! But that is not my name. Treat is a nickname of mine.


Active Member
Depending on the depth of your tank...a single 250 with a VHO actinic supplement would be fine...depth I mean 24 inches or less.