too much live rock?

I have approximately 150 ish pounds of LR in my 125g tank, I placed an order for 50 pounds of live rock (not from, and the shipping got messed up and they paid for my rock, and they paid the guy to ship me another 50 pounds, but instead we talked and if I pay for the shipping he's gonna send me 100 pds of live rock instead of 50.
This will total to be about... 300 ish pounds of live rock. Would that be too much? >.>


No such thing as to much IMO!
As long as you like how it looks and the fish still have room to swim.

I have 230 lbs in a 150 and it's barely even half full. I want more just to put my corals up closer to the lights.


I've been dying to know, how much weight can the aquarium bottom hold though? Whether it be a 30gal or a 250gal??