Too much sand?


In thinking about how best to set up my new 90 (upgrading from my 55) I know a few things.
1. new skimmer- thinking of a super skimmer or ASM.
2 Sump/fuge
3. Sand bed
My question really has to do with the sand bed. If I put sand in my tank as well as my 30 gallon sump/refugium how much sand am I looking at? Is it possible to have too much? How do you maintain/clean a sand bed?
I have been trying to find southdown play sand but have had little luck. I figure I can order it from somewhere. Anyone know?


3 to 4" deep should suffice. Have no idea what that is in terms of lbs. I have a 75, which has the same footprint as a 90. I put 60 lbs of live sand and about 3/4 of a 5 gallon bucket of dried out beach sand. So I have no idea how much that is in lbs.
Cleaning... I use a turkey baster and just blast it around once in a while stirring it up... then I let my floss clear the water back up. Works pretty good.


And... I don't think you can have "too much" sand. I mean, yea, 12" would be too much. but I think you get what I'm saying?