Too Much??


Hey all, just want your opinions on my set up. 75G, 30G sump&fuge, 80lbs LS 100lbs of LR,
I currently have 2 false percs that host in a large Sabae Anen, A Midas blenney, Yellow Watchman Goby, coral beauty and a small hippo tang(2in and yes I do plan to have a bigger tank in the future, probably a year or so when i get out of the appartment). A cleaner and Coral banded shrimp. I have 2 Yellow headed Jawfish and a Blackcap Basslet on hold for me at the LFS. Does this seem too much, maxed, or any room for 1/2 small fish. The jawfish, Midas and Y.W.G are all kinda one spot/area fish and the clowns mostly hang in the Sabae, so swimming room still seems plenty. Let me know on your toughts.
I like to think I could have one or two SMALL fish but have a feeling I may be pushing it.

So tell me what you think, advise is welcome! If you read please post your idea's!