too much?


New Member
Two months ago I started a 75g & 20g qt. 75 contained, 2in vol lion, pic trigger, 3 damsels. Lion feasted on a damsel:D . the trigger got a little too close to the powerhead when i was rinsing its filter:( . I wanted to replace the trigger and decided to try ordering fish from here. to reach the $75 min order i bought:
10 turbo
10 blue leg crab
1 panther grupper
1 porcupine puffer
1 serpent star
~know about the acclamation for the star and fish but my question is where do start all the fish when i get them in 2 days? All in the qt or main??? Also, if anyone has ideas or comments about this set up i'ld love it. I am a new hobbist and need support!
75 g:
fluval 404
excalibur protien skimmer
802 powerhead
4-5 inch sand
25lb live rock
40 lb holy rock
lion, 2 blue damsels, 5 snails
20 g:
10lbs live rock 3 inch sand
yellow damsel?, blue damsel
Thanks for all your help!- Patrick


Active Member
You might want to post this on the aggressive forum as it looks to me you have an aggresive set up. I don't know but I worry as your fish grow that you will have some water quality issues. That is quite a few fish that will get large and eat a lot.
Good luck


I may be wrong but i beleave puffers eat snails.....also u should aim power heads on glass........i would put them in both tanks cause they need a lot of space (grouper in man tank, puffer in QT).............i am not that knowlegable about agressive set ups so this may be a little wrong...but it is what i would do
good luck