too small


There are a few sharks that could live their whole lives in a 125. But they are not commonly available in the aquarium trade. This does not mean you cannot find them, but they will cost you top $$$.
IMO, a juvenile leopard could live 6 months to 1 year in a 125. A juvenile smooth hound, 1-1.5 years.
Either way, I don't recommend getting one unless you sincerely plan to upgrade to a MUCH larger tank, or pre arrange a place for this shark to live after it outgrows your tank.
thanks novice.i have been following your project and i really would like to know how much that cost you. just the project not the water or sharks. i would also like to know what kind of filtration do you have on the 1700 tank. i am very interested in actually building one and using my 125 as a filter. please give me any info you can. thanks


Have you checked out my threads here, and in the DIY forum? They go fairly in depth on the construction/filtration of the tank. You can use the search button at the bottom of my posts to find them. Also, check out the site I have on MSN. It has tons of pics, and you can access it by clicking the www button at the bottom of my posts.
By not including the water, I assume you mean not including things like, RO/DI, salt, dry sand, LS, and LR. So to build just the tank, it cost roughly $2,500. That's not including any filtration, lights, etc.
For filtration, I've got LS, a large sump running bio media, activated carbon, and mechanical filtration pads. There is also a 6' tall 8" dia skimmer, 2 80w UV's, 2 fluidized bed filters, and a canister filter. Circulation is provided by 2 5000gph pumps. One on a closed loop, and the other open.
Let me know if you plan to build one. I'll try to help in any way I can.
hey novice i definitely want to build a shark tank. i want a leopard and a smoothound. i would love to get a lemon but i think i have to build a tank about the size of yours and probably bigger. i wish i can say that i have the money and the knowledge on how to build such a tank. I work at a fish store so i can get things pretty cheap but it still will cost a lot of cash. i do have the room for the tank but this is what ive come to figure. tell me if you think this is a good idea. at the store i work at we carry reptiles so i found a turlte tub that is i believe 6 ft by 2.5 ft andi think 2.5 deep. well i figured if it was filled to the top it would be about 290 gallons of water. now the only way to look at it would be through the top. i really dont like the idea of looking at it that way but if thats all i can afford then so be it. for the filtration i wanted to use a 55g tank and make an ecosystem out of that with a large sized protein skimmer and about 2400 gph pump on that. if there is any suggestions on how to improve the profile or anything on this system please tell me. if you think that it will cost about the same for a smaller size tank likeyours then tell me. i figured it will cost about 1500 for the system i came up with. im willing to sell my 90 gallon set up so i can do whatever i can. i really want a shark tank but i would love a tank to hold a lemon shark for a while. thanx a lot.


New Member
I have kept all sorts of sharks from leopards to bonnetheads to balck tips... Basically with all these active swimming sharks, you have to have a plan B. Either build a bigger tank or have someone with a big tank take them off your hands when they outgrow your tank.
A baby Leopard or smoothhound would be ok in your 125 for a year or so, would last a few years or even longer in the 290 gallon.
A black tip or lemon would never live in the 125... If you found a really small baby black tip,(smallest I have seen about 18 inches) would be ok in the 290 gallon for about 9 months to a year. If you could find a ROUND pool or turtle tub, you would be able to extend the length of keeping any of these animals. The problem with your current turtle tub is the 2.5 ft width. A lemon would simply be unable to turn.
My suggestion, is go with the turtle tub, and stick in a smoothhound and a leopard.


I agree with everything dave857 said, except the last part.
I would build your own tank over the turtle tub. If your into the DIY thing, and take your time, you'll have alot of fun and the end product will be much nicer. You'll be proud to say you built it.
More on this in a minute.
I wouldn't even put a lemon in my tank. Black tips get big enough (over 5 ft) and mine will eventually outgrow my tank. Lemons grow to 11ft, and grow at a faster rate. My advice is to drop that idea all together.
There are several ways you could build a nice tank for 1500. Especially if you drop the window, and build a look down tank. I'd still get the turtle tank, but use it as a sump. It doesn't need to be as deep as mine either. You could build a frame out of wood, using 4x4's or 6x6's. Then simply install a pond liner. Something like 10x6x3 would give you 1350 gallons.


I just posted a very lengthy reply on another board about this same thing. So I'll give you the shortened version.
I knew what I was getting into when I started this whole thing. I will be building/buying a much bigger tank for it someday. If for some reason that does not happen, I have already made other emergency arrangements for him.
I wonder what Black Tip tastes like? Only kidding:D I love my shark too much to eat him. LOL
lol, sorry I didnt read the other post, Ive heard that shark goes into many food products, like food for dogs but Im not sure on that.