Top Crown Snail


Can anyone tell me their experience with these, a website I read says they eat cyano. I have a 55 FOWLR and am getting ready to add some mushrooms. Would this snail be a good addition, if so, how many should I add.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by briandg
Can anyone tell me their experience with these, a website I read says they eat cyano. I have a 55 FOWLR and am getting ready to add some mushrooms. Would this snail be a good addition, if so, how many should I add.
how many snails do you have in it now???
imo go for it just add 1 or 2 just to add to the look of the tank.


I have 3 banded trocus, 10 nassarius, 10 cerith. At least that's what I've put in, I have no idea if all the nassarius and cerith are still in there or if my hermits have taken a few.