Topping off every day with Klakwasser?

I have a 29 gallon that's about 3 months old, has a few hearty corals, Stroph something-or-other, a sponge, and a few inverts and fish. I am just now looking to start adding calcium. Bought the Klakwasser and read the directions. I am not willing at this point to do a drip system, so I was wondering if I could just use the recommended mix every day when I top the tank off until I get to the 400ppm that I was told I need.
Good idea? Or should I just add a gallon like the directions instruct?


Active Member
No that will crash your tank, the ph of kalkwasser water is really high. It needs to be dripped to balance out ph and alk levels.


Active Member
kalk is the best because it maintains PH and ALk, If you can drip it in. If not just use a two part buffer system and liquid calcium. I use seachem calcium because my tank is small so kalk is in a way..dangerous.


Active Member
I don't think kalk is dangerous unless to much is added at once no matter the size of the tank. Some people drip at night after lights out when the system is at its lowest PH... others drip 24/7. The frequency and potency of the kalk will depend on your system's needs. Do you have test kits calcium and alk?
BTW, kalk should be used to maintain calcium and alk. You should not try to raise the calcium and alk with it.