torch coral lighting?


From other threads ive read that they need "moderate lighting", what exactly is moderate? I have 2x65 pc's on a 36g. Would this be enough?
LFS has a REALLY nice 1 he'll sell me for $40


Active Member
If placed up high enough in your 36 that should work ok. I've never seen a definition of lighting (ie low, moderate, high) equated to a particular wattage. Too many other factors. In a tank that size you can make your adjustments by placing the coral appropriately. I'd put it in somewhere about the middle and watch it for a week or so. If it does well, keep it there. If not, try moving it up.
Just my $.02
Good Luck!


i had 260 watts of PC's on my 55 and it did...OK...but great under 96 watts in a 10 gallon.
so i'd say somewhere between..6-10 watts per gallon using pc's