torch coral?


I was wondering if you might have an answer to something I just noticed. I have a torch coral new to my 150 gal reef he no longer fully extends his tentacles however, he still looks healthy. My local fish store told me he just was not hungry have you herd of that before? I have a very strong light (2) 400wt metal halide and (2) 96 wt actinic blue it may be he doesn't need to extend himself as much with my lights. I also feed my tank regularly just about everything and all my levels are perfect. I only have a trace of nitrate and my pH is 8.3 and my salinity is 1.025 if you have suggestions I would appreciate all thoughts, thank you.

mr. tuna

Active Member
First of all WELCOME ABOARD! :cheer: :D :)

.. With the torch coral:
* what do you use to feed your coral?
* How long have you had it? ( i had my branching frogspawn closed up for about a week before it opened up).
* How high up is it to the MH?
* do you have it placed within 6 or so inches of any other coral with sweepers?

mr. tuna

Active Member
oh. My frogspawn was huge at the LFS, then ugly for a week when i bought it.. Now it is about twice the size that it was in the LFS!
If it doesnt open in the next few days ( 3-4), or atleast starts showing improvement.. then there is something wrong. Try feeding something like Marinesnow, or kent marine phytoplex.
Then if it opens up with time, you can try spot feeding at a later point.
Good luck!


Mr. Tuna, I feed my corals zooplankton,phytoplnkton and microvert also I add essential element tech 1 strotium and molbdaneum. My torch is about 2 feet from my lights. I have a very deep tank, and he is about 8 inches from any one other than feather dusters and mushrooms the torch coral is relatively new I have had him for 2 weeks.