torch coral


I bought a torch coral from lfs at a bargain of 5 dollars. obviously not looking good for the torch, he was very stringy and had a couple of dead heads. When I got him home, i clipped all of his dead heads and I am hoping for the best. What steps should I take to revive him, if possible. My water parameters are good as far as the basics ( ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, kh). my calcium is a touch low, working on raising it now. I have had him for about 2 weeks yet and still no improvement. Still looks a little stringy. I just today tried increasing my water flow a bit to see if that will help, but any other suggetstions or criticisms will be greatly appreciated.
Don't be shy or afraid to be blunt, if he isn't going to make, it, he isn't going to make it.

dr reef

try an iodine bath. get a five gal bucket and put about 20 drops of lugol's solution iodine in it. then fill the buckey with fresh salt water. add a powerhead on low and a heater.leave it in for about 20 min.


Active Member
1 question for you, Has it gotten any worse? If not, that in itself is a good sign. The tissue stopped receeding and , given time, will start to rebuild.
Don't give up hope.


I regret to inform you guys, but today was its last day. yesterday when I posted this thread, he wasn't looking so good, and today he receeded. Thanks for all the help.