torch coral?


Active Member
where should i put my new torch coral? my tank is 24 in. deep and i have 542 watt lights could i put it in the sand?or whare would be the best placement?


Active Member
You put it where it can get good lighting and medium to low flow area.... I would attach it to the rocks... :happyfish


I just got a frogspawn and a torch and found the perfect place for the frogspawn, but the torch just doesn't seem to be happy... Frogspawn has all the little fronds swollen up and floating nicely. the torch just isn't doing much of anything. I moved it to a little higher flow and it looks like it lost a few fronds (if that is even close to the right term.)
I'm picking up a powerhead to simulate the flow the frogspawn is getting and hope to make it happy.


Just came home with a SEIO M620. Flow looks good for the torch... Only time will tell now if it quits being ticked off or not...


the frogspawn is just gorgeous... all puffed up like it should. the torch looks more like strands of spaghetti at this point. Hopefully I'll see a change by the time I get home from work...


Active Member
Originally Posted by opus18
Just came home with a SEIO M620. Flow looks good for the torch... Only time will tell now if it quits being ticked off or not...
Just give it time to adjust to your tank, I wouldn't put it under high flow! Just keep up with your calcium, alkaline and ph levels!!! :happyfish


Here's what I am seeing... Am waiting on a reply from the LFS as to the torch... All the others appear happy. All water levels look great. Plenty of calcium
My Torch

My Frogspawn


