torch coral


Active Member
Maybe a stupid question but will my new torch coral sting ME while I'm placing it into the tank?? (T - minus - 15 mins till acclimation is done btw lol)


Active Member
Excellent :) (I figured my hammer didn't so it wouldn't) thank you for your quick reply!!


Active Member
You can feel it sting a little if it touches your wrist or the back of your hand but it doesn't hurt. Except for one time when I had a cut on one of my knuckles and it stung me right in the cut that hurt pretty good for a couple minutes. But I lived to tell about it. I'm guessing it's already in your tank though.


Active Member
It is but thanks for the input anyways!! My husband says the hammer made his hand tingle, I wasn't sure if it was possible.


lol I was worried about the same thing with a frogspawn....I felt really stupid asking the question too.