Torch Coral

Since i posted this on corals i havent gotten a response so i'll do it here. I got new lights for the tank and my LFS store gave me a new torch coral frag for ten dollars awesome deal.Anyway whats the best placement of it and does it eat based on light or do i feed it by spot i never had one
twelve gallon temporary tank till my bigger one is done cycling and my new light is a 3 bulb t-5 unit. I know it is kinda strong for a twelve but i plan on moving everything to my bigger one once its done.I cant help myself my LFS is a really good guy and he gives me big discounts cause i buy my dog and cat food there


Active Member
Euphyllia glabrescens, torch coral, require moderate lighting and moderate flow. With your lighting you may have a hard time finding a good spot for it. Can you post up a full tank shot and maybe we could help you with some placement. The other requirement is that it is a good 6" away from other coral as the torch develops long sweeper tentacles to protect its turf.
Thanks for replying its doin pretty good. I adjusted my powerheads swtiching the flow around and its good. All thisis temporary cause i'm setting up my 40 gallon alittle at a time. Once its ready im moving all the growing coral to the new tank and i'm gonna use my old 20 as kinda a qt tank/ frag tank.


Active Member
I have my torch under 2x150w halides and 4x96w actinics and it is high up in my tank and it has gotten huge. I also give it good moderate flow.