Torch, hammer, frogspawn


Active Member
Will they thrive under 130 watt PC's? Also, I have 2 false percs and not sure if there are any issues here?


Active Member
the corals should be fine under that lighting. as for the clowns they may choose to host them potentially damaging them, my tomatoe clowns almost killed my frogspawn that way but my hammer doesnt mind my black clown. he must be gentler.


Active Member
trial and error, if they start to host the coral just move it. thats what I did and my clowns started hosting my leather instead. for a while they even hosted my feather duster. the feather didnt seem to mind at all.


Active Member
My male clown loves my feather duster. I don't know why it doesn't retract but like you said it doesn't mind. Thanks. My LFS gets small frags of hammers but I might wait a while longer and I'm actually talking myself out of it.