Total NEWBIE!!!!!


All right everyone, I'm completely new to the Saltwater world. I have a Freshwater African Cichlid tank, and this is my first attempt at Saltwater.
And i'm experiencing some major problems. I setup my tank about 3 weeks ago here are the specs:
29 Gallon
Skilter 250
2 Maxi-Jet 1200 Power Jets
All-Glass Heater
40 Pounds of Crushed Coral
68 Pounds of Live Rock (Cured)
Salt Water came from the Fish Store
According to my Fish Store Rep after 5 days I got:
10 Blue Leg Hermits
10 Nessarius Snails
2 Emerald Crabs
3 days ago I added: (I am impatient)
10 Scarlet Hermits
2 Cleaner Clams
2 Brittle Stars
20 Turbo Snails
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
Yesterday I added: (Still Impatient)
1 Clown Fish
2 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
As you may have noticed the second add came after I checked out this site.
My goal is to build a small Reef tank and see how that goes. Before I make an investment in what I wanted to get... 400 gallon Reef...
Some of the Turbo Snails didn't make the delivery, one of the Scarlet Hermits Died. It was one of the biggest Hermits I've ever seen. And this morning i woke up to the exoskelton of my Fire shrimp just floating...... And my Clown just hangs out in the top corner...... :help:
Should I be worried
Here is some pics of the tank.



Active Member
Well its possible that your tank inhabitants may die. A cycle will start from these clowns. I would also suggest a test kit.


do you have any test kits?
a tank setup that way is a disaster waiting to happen
it takes about 4-6 weeks for a tank to stabilize during that time toxic compounds will build up in the tank until the bacteria colonies start to grow and eat them.
the LFS had you add things that are the WORST to put into a new tank
10 Blue Leg Hermits
10 Nessarius Snails
2 Emerald Crabs
10 Scarlet Hermits
2 Cleaner Clams
2 Brittle Stars
20 Turbo Snails
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
1 Clown Fish
2 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
the only things the tank might be ready for after 3 weeks in this list is the snails and crabs.
the shrimp, clams, stars, and clown do not do very well and most die because of the cycle that is in the process right now.
the stars and clams need a very well established tank to do well its suggested atleast 6 months before adding any of these.
I honestly would ask here before taking any advice from that store and if I had a choice would not return to it.
how did you acclimate these guys to the tank?


As you can see i'm completely new at this. I have a test kit the REEF Master test Kit. Am I just moving too fast? I know these things require time, hence the reason i went with the Freshwater first.

aztec reef

Active Member
It takes 3-6 weeks before you can put any animals In(after cycle).plus you have been adding too much too often.


double the time it normally takes on FW. and yes you are moving way to fast on stocking the tank. ITs a common mistake though.
In saltwater the only thing that happens quickly is a disaster!


I actually bought the bulk of the items from this site. The only items that came from the LFS is the crabs and snails.
I was under the impression the the "Reef Package" was what I needed, so i bought it...
And i did the acclimation process that's on this site.


Yeah the first thing is to test the water and see where you stand. after that we can tell you a proper course to try to save as much as possible.
Do you know anyone around you that has a SW setup?


the main ones that are needed is
these are the main ones we focus on during a cycle/