Total Tank


Active Member
Well I get to pick out new fish... As you may recal my Naso Tang was not well last week. Came on very sudden and very fast. He passed the next day. Now it is the same thing again... I have lost 5 fish in 2 days and the water still checks out good. I have done 2 - 20 galon water changes and will do another tomorrow. I just did one yesterday. Me for opening my big mouth about that being the first fish I lost.


Staff member
Is it possible that you introduced a contagious disease that is still in your tank?


Active Member
I have not added anyone new the Naso was in my 125 for a year or so. It seems to of stoped for now. Everyone else is doing okay. they have all been together since october.


Staff member
Is it possible that a contaminent got in the tank?? Do a large water change and add PH's for added water circulation/gas exchange.