All I really know about PH is that it's higher at lights out time, and lowest in the morning, I read on this site all the time about buffer being just a bandage, and that folks should not dose for it.
I can't explain tech stuff, water changes should reset everything.
The only time I had low PH was back when I first began, I was using a Red Sea hydrometer that kept saying my SG was way too high. I would remove saltwater and add more RO freshwater, the PH was super low. I went to the LFS and asked them to test my water, thinking I had something wrong....the PH was indeed low, but it was low because my SG was almost freshwater.
Then I brought them the hydrometer, it said their SG was off the chart high. It turned out the hydrometer was all messed up, so I got a replacement...then I asked the store guy to make sure it read correctly before I took it home, the replacement, and the 15 others on the shelf were all off. They had one left from a shipment before, it had the correct reading, so the entire batch was bad from that lot #. I took the one good one and they removed the others off the shelves. However that good Red Sea hydrometer worked flawlessly for 8 years before I final replaced it with a refractometer.
I never heard of a refractometer until I came to this site, and even then the LFS did not know what it was, so I ordered it on line when the Red Sea one wore out. I never had to do hypo so the refractometer seemed like just an extra cost. As long as the water change water matched the display, all was good.
So maybe your problem isn't really the PH, or you are doing your tests too early after lights on. :%%:
Yeah I always do water test in the morning.... The one time I had 8.6 PH at LFS was late afternoon.
Maybe I should just ignore it for a few days and not mess with it till my seachem test kit arrive.
I also open the feeding flap of the cover hoping it does some changes.
Er, side track a bit, does a yellow clown goby gets along with a yellow watchman goby ? Can a black and white oc clown gets along with a common clown? Just curious