touch tank Ideas??


New Member
Does anyone have plans or ideas for construction of a touch tank?
My daughter wants me to make one.
I'm a sucker for a cute face.....:confused: :confused:


i would make the tank out of marine grade plywood with acrylic windows and epoxy paint (i think that paint is safe the paint for pools so check first) thats about all the help i can be


New Member
Do you mean make a box like structure with windows?
I was thinking all plate glass or arcrylic with maybe all plumbing in center. Since this is going to be furniture it must be attractive.
any help would be greatly appreciated......:D


ya i was talking about a box with windows but you can cover it in formica so it would look better my lfs has 2 coral tanks that are 4x4x1 and it is made of plywood with formica inside and out it looks good if i had a digital camera i would take a pic and show you maybe soon


New Member
1/2 - 3/4 inche plexiglass, With marine grade plywood/apoxy bottom, frain the bass with hard wood and doors, and use under tank.


Active Member
anyone got pics of these ? im confused on what they are...
where does the touch come into play eheh ?


New Member
ever been to the seattle aquarium? The front and half of both sides are clear (or all 4 sides). Picture the rest of both sides and the back covered in rock, DSB, star fish, clams and other touchables