Toxic Levels


New Member
I have a 40 gallon SeaClear tank which has been up and running for over one year. Yesterday, my 2 year old son dumpped a 3/4 full can of flake food into the tank. I cleaned as much as I could off of the sand and the live rock and did a 30% water change. Today, the levels are slightly lower, but the water is still cloudy. What else can I do to drop the Ammonia levels? Please help, I have lost one fish already!

mr . salty

Active Member
Another large water change will help.Do these daily for a week till the readings leveloff..
You can also get some ammonia remover/lock to add to the water.This stuff doesnt actually remove the ammonia,but comverts it to a nontoxic form that can then be removed through water changes.
You could also get some carbon(black Diamond) to add to your filter.
Till the problemis solved you should keepactivity around the tank down toa minimum,and keep the lights off as much as possible.This will aid in reducing stress in the fish...
Any or all of these will aid in pulling the tank through,and saving your fish.