Can Yellow polyps and regular zoanthids sting each other? How about Zoanthinds and ricordeas?
nano reefer Active Member Dec 3, 2007 #1 Can Yellow polyps and regular zoanthids sting each other? How about Zoanthinds and ricordeas?
reefkprz Active Member Dec 3, 2007 #2 yellow colonials can sting other types of zoanthids, regular zoanthids wont sting ricordea but protopalythoa may.
yellow colonials can sting other types of zoanthids, regular zoanthids wont sting ricordea but protopalythoa may.
N nereef Guest Dec 4, 2007 #3 yellow polyps are colonial anemones and more similar to aiptasia than zoas. i would think they would sting anything they touched.
yellow polyps are colonial anemones and more similar to aiptasia than zoas. i would think they would sting anything they touched.