Trading frags to the LFS


There is a lot of trading that goes on over the internet but what about the LFS? I'm about to start taking items back there. What kind of return should I expect in store credit. Probably more in credit than if I wanted cash I'm sure. I took 120 lbs or rock back and got $3/lb. If I take a piece of GSP in that I know they'll sell for $40 think he'll give me $20? Or acans that he'll sell for $80, expect $40? what are your experiences?


Active Member
Markup varies, but for most items in retail stores it's 30%. Of course, livestock is different, where markup can be up to 400%.... so anyway, there's no real way to know how much without actually going and working out a deal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by emm0909
There is a lot of trading that goes on over the internet but what about the LFS? I'm about to start taking items back there. What kind of return should I expect in store credit. Probably more in credit than if I wanted cash I'm sure. I took 120 lbs or rock back and got $3/lb. If I take a piece of GSP in that I know they'll sell for $40 think he'll give me $20? Or acans that he'll sell for $80, expect $40? what are your experiences?

I would thing 25% in trade.


Active Member
all depends who ya know, some won't even trade, i got 15lbs of tonga figi LR for me trading a rock w/ red mushrooms all over it! (150 shrooms) rock was 6 x 5


i would call the store befor you start makeing rounds with corals in buckets, some might already have a pice of what your tring to sell and dont want another till the one they have sells...i wouldnt take any corals anywhere till you have worked out a deal...use your camara to take picks of them open in your tank so when they get them they dont belive they are dieing...i sold some pusling xenia to 2 of the LFS here in oklahoma for 5 dollars store credit per stock...if i wanted cash then i would have got like 3 dollars store credit is the way to go enless you really need the cash


Active Member
You most likely wont get anywhere near 50% of the sales price as a trade in credit. I recently traded about 15 frags of Kenya Tree to one of my LFS that were all between 1-3 inches tall and got $60 in credit.


I know it depends on what it is. I talked to him last night and he know's he can sell the GSP. He has a lot of new customers so I'm thinking of taking in both patches of my GSP. I've got some smaller pieces that will eventually grow to the obnoxious size again.
I don't have any money to spend on the tank so it needs to buy things for itself.