Transfer from a 240 to a new 30


So how bad whould this be:
I have a 240g tank.
I want to set up a new 30g from the 240.
I want to transfer over 2 Anglers that are in the 240 to a 30.
Can I remove 30g of water from the 240 directly to the 30 and add fish?
Obviously it will cycle again not matter what; but would the water (since in a established tank) be okay to add fish directly into (since the came from the same water)?
Oh..........I know not the right thing to do, but how bad is bad?


Active Member
yes but whats the point of adding filty water when you can add freshly prepared clean water. Ifs the liverock and sand that makes the difference in the cycle or if there is going to be one. Adding old tank water to a transfer does nothing but start your tank off dirtier than it has to be. The only credible rational for doing that is so you dont have to reacclimate your livestock since the water in both tanks match. I'd rather just reacclimate the livestock to the new fresh water.


Active Member
you could run the filter you are going to put on the 30 on the 240 for a week or so to give it a head start


Active Member
I have started two small aquariums like this. I used live sand and Live rock that was in my larger tanks and fresh salt water. I had zero cycle. I think you can do that easily.


Active Member
When I upgraded my 37gal to a 46gal in February, I actually saved change out water to put into the new tank (heated and aerated). By the time all was said and done, I added all the rock and water from the 37, brand new sand (didn't want a cycle) and all my fish and corals. If done correctly, you can certainly avoid a cycle in your tank. As it turned out with my switch, I ended up adding about 5 gallons of fresh salt water...about that of a water change in that tank. My tank never cycled and everyone lived to tell about it.
If I were you, I would certainly use the water from your established tank, rock and new sand. Am I understanding that you are switching from a 240, or are you just kinda creating a new tank in addition to the 240? Either way, that's the way I'd go.
Good luck. Post pics of the process.