Transfering a xenia



I bought a pulsing xenia and it came on this ugly cube plug, that's big and very hard for me to fit anywhere within my LR. Can I transfer the xenia to one of my rocks by cutting the leg right where it connects to the plug? I don't want to damage it though. Thanks!

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I bought a pulsing xenia and it came on this ugly cube plug, that's big and very hard for me to fit anywhere within my LR. Can I transfer the xenia to one of my rocks by cutting the leg right where it connects to the plug? I don't want to damage it though. Thanks!
stick toothpick through the base above where you are going to cut it,and then cutaway.Now take your xenia and use a rubberband to strap toothpick to a piece of rock.


I would just take it right off the plug by cutting with a razor at the base then glue it where you want it in the tank.


Thanks. The rock I want to transfer it to is pretty large, so it'll have to be glued.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangWhispr
Oh my...could people PLEASE know what you are talking about before replying???? You can't GLUE xenia
agreed... The coral will just slime off the glue... you need it to willingly stick to a substrate.


Originally Posted by TangWhispr
Oh my...could people PLEASE know what you are talking about before replying???? You can't GLUE xenia
Ummmm, I just glued 3 xenia frags that I bought off of a fellow member of this site that can attest to it, and I have pics as well. They were not attached to LR. The frags were freshly cut. I glued right to moist LR with super gel, and all 3 attached, stayed attached, and 2/3 split in 4 weeks.
PLEASE know what YOU are talking about before responding and making yourself look silly. I would agree that glue is not ideal for xenia because they have to be out of the water longer to stick, but it is still very easy to do.
Again, ridiculous to make such a stink over something that is a non-issue.
Picture to prove it. This pic was taken 3 days after I glued this frag. You can see the base where the xenia was starting to grow around the glue.
To the uninformed, Xenia will attach anywhere if it is happy. All the super glue does is forces its hand...


Active Member
Xenia is one of those slimy coral that if you use glue, sometimes when swells back up it will unattach its self from the glue.Rubber bands often cut it in 2 if not careful. I frag it often for trade at my LFS. Can you break up the piece of rock its on into small pieces with a hammer? That way you can just lean it on the rock you want it to attach to, and it will move onto it. Heres a pic of mine spreading to other rocks in my frag tank. It started out on 1 small rock and jumped to several.


Active Member
Can you smash the cube plug to make it smaller. All you would have to do is place it on or near the rock that you want it on and in no time it will spread to it.


I have successfully pealed off a xenia from its rock and squeezed it between two other rocks. It eventually stuck to one rock. It looks now (3 wks later) very healthy and beautifully pulsating.


I ended up cutting the argonite cube with some big scissors, actually they are pruning shear. I cut it small enough so it fit in the crevice I wanted. Then I glued the aragonite plug to the rock with some marine epoxy.