Transfering Tank!


i need advice on the best way to transfer all my live stock and rocks into another tank...i just bought a bow i have no clue how to put the bow front on my stand...and take out my old tank HAHAha i just drain most of the water...take out all the rocks...bag all the live stock/corals and re float them in my new tank??


Drain all the water in a bucket and keep the liverock wet while you transfer everyting into the new tank. Put the fish and corals in another bucket that contains water from the tank. It is not that difficult, just try to do it as fast as you can and try to use as much water from the tank that you are taking down as you can.


Active Member
is that from the 20? should be a piece of cake, even if it is a bit larger. you could put the water in a large ice chest and put the rocks in there and add a powerhead with the fish in there, if you want, while you change everything around. my first tank i took the risk of going 5 or so hrs away to pick up a tank, transferred the water in a couple of ice chests with lr, corals, and fish, left the sand in the tank filled with some water and took it with me in a truck. that was hell. the worst did happen, tank broke, storm delayed everything and had to keep everything running at my house for a couple of days in ice chests. if a n00b like me did it then you should have no problem


Active Member
Originally Posted by bknow
i could re-use the sand right? just making sure...thanks alot
yeah, you're just going to have to really watch everything just to make sure it doesnt cause an ammonia spike or cause anything to rise. in my case nothing happened, but that was me.


do i bag the fishes and inverts and re float them also?? or just put them in the tank after the transfer