transparent creatures


I set up a 27 gal hex , it has a tang, 2 clarki clowns, and small assorted fish,,,well anyhow, there are 4 turbo snails in there, and i think they had babies, but I'm not sure, there are about 150 small transparent creatures all over the glass,,,could these be snails or something else? thanks


A better description would help, but i have some transparent "creatures" on my glass as well, i have no idea what they are called but they are transparent and look pretty much like a

, (wish i had a better word to describe them, but hey thats what they look like) and they have a white outline. I was told what they were before but cannot recall the name.


they look like little clear or white things, round on one end, then on the other end have 2 points,,if they are flat worms, are they harmful?