Transporting tank


New Member
I currently have a percula clown and three damsels in a 10 gallon QT tank, they are doing pretty well as of now, but i am a college student and have to go home for about a month. I was wondering if i should take my qt tank with me, its only a 1 hour 15 minute drive? Or should i leave them here, which i dont want to do? Any information would help!


Active Member
How big is the display that they came out of? I personally don't see a problem with taking that home. I wouldn't transport the fish in the tank though. I would use a small ice chest or something like it. I'm not experienced on the transportation of fish as far as extended transport goes. Hopefully someone else will chime in.


I've moved fish and corals several times. Five gallon buckets with lids from the hardware store work good, plus you can take most of the original water and do a regular water change when you get home. Don't keep the animals in the tank and if you move the tank, drain most of the water down and make sure that the decorations, rocks, etc can't fall over and break the glass. No mater how careful you are something could happen, have a back up plan ready. My last move one of my tanks did get broken and some my fish had to remain in the bucket for a week while I replaced the glass. I put a skimmer and heater directly on the bucket and everything worked out fine.


New Member
The tank is only a 10 gallon QT , i was thinking of draining some of the water, I wont be able to attach a heater or any filter, because i have a car with no adapter. The drive is only an hour, do u think they will be ok?? I have nothing in my display tank as of now , so i was just going to let it filter for a few weeks, and periodically have someone check it.


Active Member
If nothing else, wrap the tank in a blanket or something to prevent as much heat loss as possible. If you can get a battery powered air pump as well. I don't know if an hour and a half is a short enough period of time without some kind of oxygen flow.


i would think that if can send live fish/inverts in a bag that is sealed and not kill them, that an hour and a half without an airpump will be fine for your fish. after all, there is still oxegen exchange at the surface of the water, even if it is only a little bit. you're going to be just fine packing up your ten gallon tank and driving home. trust me.


New Member
Your right....I figured as long as i kept the temp near what it should be they should be ok. Thanks